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Maggie Bump (left) and Gordon Yee (right)
Maggie Bump (left) and Gordon Yee (right)

Maggie Bump and Gordon Yee Receive College of Science Awards

Maggie Bump Awarded College Of Science Certificate Of Teaching Excellence

Maggie Bump, senior instructor of chemistry, has been awarded a certificate of teaching excellence by the Virginia Tech College of Science. The award is presented annually to exceptional faculty members who have demonstrated excellence both inside and outside the classroom. In addition to teaching large lectures of organic chemistry, Dr. Bump, a member of the department’s faculty since 2001, is the faculty sponsor for the American Chemical Society Student Affiliates chapter, also known as the Chemistry Club. Under her leadership, the Chemistry Club has received several awards including most recently the Honorable Mention award for activities during the 2021-2022 academic year.

The committee was particularly impressed with her teaching statement, the breadth of her teaching and outreach achievements, and the sheer number of students she has educated. Her Student Perceptions of Teaching (SPOT) scores were extremely impressive, particularly given the challenging courses that she taught. The committee added, “It is clear that [Bump has] been active in the evolution of [her] teaching philosophy and methods.”

Gordon Yee Awarded College Of Science Outstanding Faculty Academic Advisor

Gordon Yee, associate professor of inorganic chemistry, has been awarded outstanding faculty academic advisor by the Virginia Tech College of Science.

Nominations for this award originate exclusively from students. Academic advising is crucial for the student experience not only in terms of graduation but for student growth and development. The awards committee consisted of colleagues across the campus who reviewed nominees' advising philosophies, support letters from students and other colleagues, and advising related work that they were doing on a campus, regional, national, and international level.

A quote from a student’s letter of recommendation stated the following: “Dr. Yee has been one of the most influential mentors I have had throughout my scientific career. I can safely say that without his guidance during my undergraduate education, I would not be where I am today. … Through his mentoring I learned how to ask myself the right questions and navigate my own life, perhaps the most impactful skill I learned at Virginia Tech. It led me to do an internship in analytical chemistry at Pfizer, post-baccalaureate fellowship in neuropharmacology at the National Institutes of Health, and helped me choose the best graduate program for my career goals.”