CHEM 1035 Eligibility Frequently Asked Questions

All new students in majors that require CHEM 1035 must become eligible for enrollment in the class. If you do not have the minimum AP or IB scores, you must take an ALEKS Assessment to determine eligibility for enrollment in CHEM 1035. The ALEKS Assessment determines the strengths and weaknesses of your mathematical knowledge and, if necessary, provides you with online learning modules for improving your knowledge to prepare for CHEM 1035. This Assessment assesses your mathematical knowledge, NOT your chemistry knowledge. We have found that strong math skills are an important determining factor for success in General Chemistry.
Note: Both CHEM 1035 and MATH 1225 use the VT ALEKS Placement Assessment.
Remote testing opens March 17, 2025!!
- Seats in CHEM 1035 are subject to availability. You are encouraged to earn eligibility to enroll as soon as you are able to!
- If you have completed one assessment, you can continue using the Learning Module!
- See Qualifying for CHEM 1035 to learn how you can earn eligibility to enroll in CHEM 1035.
- Please read the FAQs below before accessing ALEKS.
Monday, March 17, 2025 | Thursday, July 31, 2025 |
Remote Testing Closes at 11:59pm ET on Thursday, July 31, 20251 |
No later than Monday, August 25, 2025 |
Wednesday, August 27, 20252 |
- Assessments taken remotely must be started no later than 11:59pm ET on 08/25/25. Student will have 3 hours to complete the assessment.
- In-person testing hours: 4:00 - 8:00pm ET; must check-in no later than 6:00pm ET. Students who check-in after 5:00pm will have fewer than 3 hours to complete the assessment; average completion time is 90 minutes. Click here for more information about in-person testing.
REMEMBER: While testing is OPEN (see important dates above), your initial assessment is available immediately. Once you complete your initial assessment attempt, your second and third assessments are available to you
- only if it has been 24 hours after you completed the previous assessment AND
- after you have spent 3 hours in the Prep and Learning Module AND
- access to testing is OPEN* (see important dates above).
The ALEKS Assessment is a web-based program consisting of two parts:
- Adaptive, open-response assessment covering mathematical skills.
- A Prep and Learning Module which provides an individualized, self-paced online review
ALEKS begins with an initial placement assessment. Your initial assessment will provide a score that will determine whether you are eligible to enroll in CHEM 1035. If you are not eligible to enroll based on your initial assessment score, you will have a chance to work on identified weaknesses through the targeted Prep and Learning Module before attempting additional placement assessments.
VT ALEKS Placement Assessments contain up to 25 questions, and generally take 60-90 minutes to complete. Students achieving a score of 61 or better are eligible to enroll in CHEM 1035.
If you are not interested in taking CHEM 1035 (and CHEM 1045 lab), you do NOT need to take the ALEKS Placement Assessment.
If you wish to take CHEM 1035 (and CHEM 1045 lab) and you do NOT have an AP Chemistry score of 4+ or an IB Chemistry score of 5+ (Higher Level) or an AP Calculus AB score of 4+ or an AP Calculus BC score of 3+ or an IB Higher Level Mathematics score of 5+, or you have not successfully completed CHEM 1014 or MATH 1014 or MATH 1025 or MATH 1984 or MATH 1536 or MATH 1225 or MATH 1214, you MUST take the ALEKS Assessment in order to enroll in CHEM 1035.
If you DO have an AP Chemistry score of 4+ or an IB Chemistry score of 5+ (Higher Level) or an AP Calculus AB score of 4+ or an AP Calculus BC score of 3+ or an IB Higher Level Mathematics score of 5+, but you still wish to take CHEM 1035, you must insure that the AP or IB score is reported to Virginia Tech.
If you are unsure of your CHEM 1035 eligibility status, you can check your status on your orientation page:
• Log into Hokie Spa.
• Click on "View your General Student Information."
• If there is a drop-down menu on the next screen, select the current term.
• Click on "View Orientation Information."
Your status will be one of the following:
You do NOT have to complete a VT ALEKS Placement Assessment. You have satisfied the prerequisites for CHEM 1035 and are eligible to enroll in CHEM 1035 now. We encourage you to discuss your course plans with your academic advisor before enrolling in CHEM 1035.
You can earn eligibility to enroll in CHEM 1035 with a qualifying score on a VT ALEKS Placement Assessment. For other ways to earn eligibility to enroll in CHEM 1035, see Qualifying for CHEM 1035
If you do NOT intend to take CHEM 1035, no further action is needed.
Take a VT ALEKS Placement Assessment to determine your eligibility to enroll in CHEM 1035.
Alternatively, if you have a qualifying college level exam score, you can self-report your score now.
IMPORTANT: If you self-report your score, you MUST have College Board send your score to VT as well. If there is a discrepancy on your Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR), your offer of admission may be withdrawn.
If you have transfer credit for CHEM 1035, you must still take and pass the VT ALEKS Placement Assessment if you wish to take CHEM 1035 at Virginia Tech.
- The sooner you earn eligibility, the sooner you can secure a seat in CHEM 1035!
- Further, after assessing through ALEKS, you will have a much better sense of your strengths and weaknesses. You will have a chance, prior to the start of the semester, to brush up on topics that may have been forgotten or haven't been practiced for some time.
If you have any questions about reporting your college level exam score, visit the registrar's website.
NOTE: If your qualifying college level exam score already appears in Hokie SPA, you are eligible to enroll in CHEM 1035; you do not need to complete an assessment.
The VT ALEKS Placement Assessment is available to all Virginia Tech students free of charge.
Your VT ALEKS Placement Assessment is designed to determine what you know and what you need to work on; you do NOT need to review/study for the assessment. At the end of the assessment, you will have a much better sense of your strengths and weaknesses and have a chance to brush up on topics that may have been forgotten or haven't been practiced for some time.
Therefore, you should take your initial assessment soon as possible! Access to ALEKS is available now and is offered free of charge for Virginia Tech students.
When taking a VT ALEKS Placement Assessment, enter the required proctoring password when prompted: ALEKS2535
IMPORTANT: Remote testing for VT ALEKS Placement Assessments closes on Thursday, July 31, 2025.
Monday, March 17, 2025 | Thursday July 31. 2025 |
Remote Testing Closes at 11:59pm ET on Thursday, July 31, 20251 |
No later than Monday, August 25, 20252 |
Wednesday August 27, 20252 |
- Assessments taken remotely must be started no later than 11:59pm ET on 07/31/25. Student will have 3 hours to complete the assessment.
- In-person testing hours: 4:00 - 8:00pm ET; must check-in no later than 6:00pm ET. Students who check-in after 5:00pm will have fewer than 3 hours to complete the assessment; average completion time is 90 minutes. Click here for more information about in-person testing.
REMEMBER: While testing is OPEN (see important dates above), your initial assessment is available immediately. Once you complete your initial assessment attempt, your second and third assessments are available to you
- only if it has been 24 hours after you completed the previous assessment AND
- after you have spent 3 hours in the Prep and Learning Module AND
- access to testing is OPEN* (see important dates above).
You must be logged into your VT-Student account to access ALEKS. If you are logged into your VT-Guest account, you will be denied access.
To access ALEKS:
- Log into your VT-Student account and click on the link below again.
- You may also need to clear your cache and history.
IMPORTANT: If you completed THREE (3) VT ALEKS Placement Assessment and did NOT earn a passing score, you are not eligible complete any additional assessments.
Did you miss the remote testing deadline? Review important dates below.
Monday, March 17, 2025 | Thursday, July 31, 2025 |
Remote Testing Closes at 11:59pm ET on Thursday, July 31, 20251 |
No later than Monday, August 25, 20252 |
Wednesday, August 27, 20252 |
- Assessments taken remotely must be started no later than 11:59pm ET on 07/31/25. Student will have 3 hours to complete the assessment.
- In-person testing hours: 4:00 - 8:00pm ET; must check-in no later than 6:00pm ET. Students who check-in after 5:00pm will have fewer than 3 hours to complete the assessment; average completion time is 90 minutes. Click here for more information about in-person testing.
REMEMBER: While testing is OPEN (see important dates above), your initial assessment is available immediately. Once you complete your initial assessment attempt, your second and third assessments are available to you
- only if it has been 24 hours after you completed the previous assessment AND
- after you have spent 3 hours in the Prep and Learning Module AND
- access to testing is OPEN* (see important dates above).
You are eligible to enroll in CHEM 1035 with a score of 61% or better on the VT ALEKS Placement Assessment.
You will be allotted three attempts to pass the assessment.
Only the highest score is used for determining eligibility.
Earning a passing score on the VT ALEKS Placement Assessment does not guarantee a seat in CHEM 1035. Seats in CHEM 1035 are subject to availability. The sooner you complete the assessment, the greater the chances that you can find an available seat in CHEM 1035.
Additionally, your major must satisfy the course restrictions (see the timetable or contact your advisor if you are unsure).
Check the timetable for available seats in the course.
No. You can earn eligibility for both MATH 1225 and CHEM 1035 with the same VT ALEKS Placement Assessment, but the score requirements are different. To be eligible to enroll in MATH 1225, a score of 80 or higher is required. To be eligible to enroll in CHEM 1035, a score of 61 or higher is required.
You will be allotted three VT ALEKS Placement Assessments to earn a qualifying score (2025-2026 academic year: 61 or higher for CHEM 1035).
Your initial assessment is available immediately. Once you complete your initial assessment attempt, your second and third assessments are available to you
- only if it has been 24 hours after you completed the previous assessment AND
- after you have spent 3 hours in the Prep and Learning Module.
- access to testing is OPEN* (see important dates below).
*Students who have completed at least one assessment can still access the Prep and Learning Module from Friday, August 1, 2025 until in-person testing opens, but no VT ALEKS Placement Assessments can be completed during this time.
If you do NOT earn a qualifying VT ALEKS Placement Assessment score (2023-2024 academic year: 61 or higher for CHEM 1035) and do not have an approved college level exam score, to earn eligibility to enroll in a future semester, you must successfully complete an approved math class or CHEM 1014 Qualifying for CHEM 1035.
Monday, March 17, 2025 | Thursday, July 31, 2025 |
Remote Testing Closes at 11:59pm ET on Thursday, July 21, 20251 |
No later than Monday August 25,20252 |
Wednesday, August 27, 20252 |
- Assessments taken remotely must be started no later than 11:59pm ET on 07/31/25. Student will have 3 hours to complete the assessment.
- In-person testing hours: 4:00 - 8:00pm ET; must check-in no later than 6:00pm ET. Students who check-in after 5:00pm will have fewer than 3 hours to complete the assessment; average completion time is 90 minutes. Click here for more information about in-person testing.
REMEMBER: While testing is OPEN (see important dates above), your initial assessment is available immediately. Once you complete your initial assessment attempt, your second and third assessments are available to you
- only if it has been 24 hours after you completed the previous assessment AND
- after you have spent 3 hours in the Prep and Learning Module AND
- access to testing is OPEN* (see important dates above).
While your initial assessment was available immediately, your second and third assessments are available to you
- only if it has been 24 hours after you completed the previous assessment AND
- after you have spent 3 hours in the Prep and Learning Module.
- access to testing is OPEN* (see important dates above)
*Students who have completed at least one assessment can still access the Prep and Learning Module from Friday, August 1, 2025 until in-person testing opens, but no VT ALEKS Placement Assessments can be completed during this time.
If you don't earn a qualifying score on a VT ALEKS Placement Assessment, see Qualifying for CHEM 1035 for information on other ways you can become eligible to enroll in CHEM 1035.
IMPORTANT: Progress in the Prep and Learning Module and 'Knowledge Checks' do not qualify as VT ALEKS Placement Assessments and, therefore, cannot be used to earn eligibility to enroll in CHEM 1035.
If you do not earn a passing score after your third attempt, you may not enroll in CHEM 1035 and 1045 in Fall 2025. See Qualifying for CHEM 1035 for information on other ways you can become eligible to enroll in CHEM 1035.
Your VT ALEKS Placement Assessment is designed to determine what you know and what you need to work on; we do NOT encourage reviewing/studying for the assessment.
At the end of the assessment, you will have a much better sense of your strengths and weaknesses, and have a chance to brush up on topics that may have been forgotten or haven't been practiced for some time. In other words, your 'individualized review' takes place between your assessment attempts.
If you decide to review before the assessment, remember that the assessment covers algebra and trigonometry (no calculus concepts). You'll be provided with a short ALEKS tutorial prior to completing your first assessment. The tutorial is not concept-based, but rather introduces you to the software.
Monday, March 17, 2025 | Thursday, July 31, 2025 |
Remote Testing Closes at 11:59pm ET on Thursday, July 31, 20251 |
No later than Monday, August 25, 20252 |
Wednesday, August 27, 20252 |
- Assessments taken remotely must be started no later than 11:59pm ET on 07/31/25. Student will have 3 hours to complete the assessment.
- In-person testing hours: 4:00 - 8:00pm ET; must check-in no later than 6:00pm ET. Students who check-in after 5:00pm will have fewer than 3 hours to complete the assessment; average completion time is 90 minutes. Click here for more information about in-person testing.
REMEMBER: While testing is OPEN (see important dates above), your initial assessment is available immediately. Once you complete your initial assessment attempt, your second and third assessments are available to you
- only if it has been 24 hours after you completed the previous assessment AND
- after you have spent 3 hours in the Prep and Learning Module AND
- access to testing is OPEN* (see important dates above).
In order to take your placement assessment you will need the following (more details can be found under ‘Tell me more about ALEKS):
- Device with reliable internet connection
- Windows running 10+
- Mac running OS X 12 (Monterey)+
- Chromebook running Chrome OS 104+
- Note: Must have necessary permissions to install Lockdown Browser
- Recommended browser: Chrome (latest version and two previous), Firefox (latest version and two previous)
- Note: Chromebooks are not compatible.
- Microphone and webcam
- Lockdown Browser (download here)
- Photo ID (Virginia Tech ID, Driver’s license, State ID, passport)
- IMPORTANT: A photo ID that is not in the English language is not an acceptable form of identification.
- The name on your photo ID must match your name as shown in ALEKS.
- If you do not have an acceptable form of ID, email
- Blank paper and pencil
- A distraction free environment for up to three hours
- IMPORTANT: Personal calculators are prohibited. An onscreen calculator will be provided when needed to complete a particular problem.
- Avoid wearing baseball caps or hats with brims
- Use the Respondul Monitor Live chat for any pre-assessment issues related to your webcam and microphone.
What are the guidelines I need to follow for the webcam video?
- Ensure your computer or tablet is on a firm surface (a desk or table). Do NOT have the computer on your lap, a bed, or other surface where the device (or you) are likely to move.
- If using a built-in webcam, avoid tilting the screen after the webcam setup is complete.
- Take the assessment in a well-lit room and avoid backlighting, such as sitting with your back to a window.
- Use the Respondus Monitor Live chat for any pre-assessment issues related to your webcam and microphone .
- IMPORTANT: Personal calculators are prohibited. An onscreen calculator will be provided, when needed to complete a particular problem.
- If you are unable to borrow the required equipment or use a public facility (e.g. library or computer lab) to complete your assessment, contact the Dean of Students –- (Email: or Phone: 540-231-3787).
Please read through ALL of the information under 'Tell me more about ALEKS Placement Assessments...'
If you still believe you need testing accommodations to take the VT ALEKS Placement Assessment, please contact Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD). SSD and the Department of Chemistry will work together with you to determine the best way to meet your accommodation needs.
Yes, you have 3 hours to complete a Placement Assessment once it has begun. There will be a maximum of 25 questions and the average time to complete an assessment is 80 minutes. You cannot stop the assessment and return; the assessment must be completed in one sitting.
A VT ALEKS Placement Assessment requires approximately 90 minutes to complete. There will be a maximum of 25 questions and there is a 3-hour time limit to complete an assessment once it has begun.
VT ALEKS Placement Assessments are remotely proctored using LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor.
- LockDown Browser is a custom browser that secures the testing environment by preventing access to other applications, copying, printing, or visiting other websites while taking assessments in ALEKS PPL.
- Respondus Monitor is an automated “remote proctoring” companion application for LockDown Browser that uses webcam and video technology to record you during your online placement assessment. Faculty members monitor the recordings to ensure the integrity of the proctored assessment.
- IMPORTANT: Personal calculators are prohibited. An onscreen calculator will be provided, when needed to complete a particular problem.
The Virginia Tech Honor Code applies to students when taking the VT ALEKS Placement Assessment.
Failure to abide by this policy may result in a failure of the exam and/or other sanctions imposed by the university.
- Avoid wearing baseball caps or hats with brims.
- Ensure your computer or tablet is on a firm surface (a desk or table). Do NOT have the computer on your lap, a bed, or other surface where the device (or you) are likely to move.
- If using a built-in webcam, avoid tilting the screen after the webcam setup is complete.
- Take the assessment in a well-lit room and avoid backlighting, such as sitting with your back to a window.
- Use the Respondus Monitor Live chat for any pre-assessment issues related to your webcam and microphone .
- IMPORTANT: Personal calculators are prohibited. An onscreen calculator will be provided, when needed to complete a particular problem.
View the ALEKS Respondus Monitor Student Startup Guide for help in getting started.
You may only use a pen or pencil, paper, and the resources provided by ALEKS. You will also need a microphone and webcam for remote proctoring.
ALEKS will provide an on-screen calculator if you need one to complete a particular problem. No other calculator is permitted.
You may not receive assistance from friends, family, other websites, textbooks, or any other resource not provided by ALEKS. An inflated score will misrepresent your mathematical background and significantly decrease your chances of success in CHEM 1035. It is important that you are honest about your skill level.
The Virginia Tech Honor Code applies to students when taking the VT ALEKS Placement Assessment.
Failure to abide by this policy may result in a failure of the exam and/or other sanctions imposed by the university.
ALEKS will begin with a brief tutorial before your initial VT ALEKS Placement Assessment begins. In order to use the Prep and Learning Module, ALEKS must first determine what you already know and what you're ready to learn. So, your initial placement assessment must be taken BEFORE accessing the Prep and Learning Module.
While working in the Prep and Learning Module, you will periodically complete a Knowledge Check to ensure you are on the optimal learning path. A Knowledge Check determines what you’ve mastered and what you’re ready to learn.
A Knowledge Check does NOT qualify as a Placement Assessment.
No. You must complete and pass a new VT ALEKS Placement Assessment with a score of 61 or better to become eligible to enroll in CHEM 1035.
Select the placement tab in the upper right corner of the ALEKS page to start a new VT ALEKS Placement Assessment.
No. A status of ‘CHEM 1035 – Not eligible to enroll’ means that you have not satisfied the CHEM 1035 prerequisite. See Qualifying for CHEM 1035 for information on other ways you can become eligible to enroll in CHEM 1035. Students cannot take CHEM 1045 lab unless they are also taking CHEM 1035 or have already successfully completed CHEM 1035.
If you have not exhausted all three of your assessments, you will have the opportunity to complete assessment(s) through in-person testing at Virginia Tech. In-person testing will be open at Virginia Tech no later than Monday, August 25, 2025 and close on Wednesday, August 27, 2025.
If you have completed at least one assessment, you can still access the Prep and Learning Module from Friday, August 1, 2025 until in-person testing opens, but no VT ALEKS Placement Assessments can be compleed during this time.
IMPORTANT: Progress in the Prep and Learning Module and ‘Knowledge Checks’ do not qualify as VT ALEKS Placement Assessments and, therefore, cannot be used to earn eligibility to enroll in CHEM 1035.
VT ALEKS Placement Assessment scores are automatically sent by ALEKS to VT; you do not need to report your score. Verify your status and VT Placement Assessment score(s) on your orientation page. Allow up to 24 hours for processing.
- Log into Hokie Spa.
- Click on "View your General Student Information."
- If there is a drop-down menu on the next screen, select the current term.
- Click on "View Orientation Information."
See Qualifying for CHEM 1035 for information on other ways you can become eligible to enroll in CHEM 1035.
Congratulations! You can continue to use your Prep and Learning Modules. Take advantage of the targeted review and learning features in ALEKS to prepare for success in CHEM 1035.
Allow up to 3 business days for your CHEM 1035 eligibility status to be updated, then self-enroll in CHEM 1035 using Hokie Spa.
If you have not exhausted all three of your assessments, you will have the opportunity to complete assessment(s) through in-person testing at Virginia Tech. In-person testing will open at Virginia Tech on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, and close on Wednesday, January 22, 2025.
If you have completed at least one assessment, you can still access the Prep and Learning Module from Saturday, January 11, 2025 until in-person testing opens, but no VT ALEKS Placement Assessments can be completed during this time.
IMPORTANT: Progress in the Prep and Learning Module and 'Knowledge Checks' do not qualify as VT ALEKS Placement Assessments and, therefore, cannot be used to earn eligibility to enroll in CHEM 1035.
Monday, March 17, 2025 | Thursday, July 31, 2025 |
Remote Testing Closes at 11:59pm ET on Thursday, July 31, 20251 |
No later than Monday, August 25, 20252 |
Wednesday, August 27, 20252 |
- Assessments taken remotely must be started no later than 11:59pm ET on 07/31/25. Student will have 3 hours to complete the assessment.
- In-person testing hours: 4:00 - 8:00pm ET; must check-in no later than 6:00pm ET. Students who check-in after 5:00pm will have fewer than 3 hours to complete the assessment; average completion time is 90 minutes. Click here for more information about in-person testing.
REMEMBER: While testing is OPEN (see important dates above), your initial assessment is available immediately. Once you complete your initial assessment attempt, your second and third assessments are available to you
- only if it has been 24 hours after you completed the previous assessment AND
- after you have spent 3 hours in the Prep and Learning Module AND
- access to testing is OPEN* (see important dates above).
For technical support while using ALEKS PPL:
For questions about eligibility to enroll in CHEM 1035 (please read ALL of the information in the FAQ section before sending an email):