Department of Chemistry Advisory Council

The Department of Chemistry Advisory Council (DCAC), formed in 1998, is an all-volunteer organization made up of alumni and friends that works to support the department through several different avenues. Much of the progress that the department has achieved, especially in recent years, would not have been possible without DCAC's support.
Specifically, DCAC works to advocate for the department with upper administration, helping improve alumni relations, and fundraising for the department. Many of the lectureship and scholarship funds were a direct result of DCAC's involvement.
Council meetings take place in Blacksburg over a weekend once a semester, and in the spring, members of DCAC serve as poster judges for the Undergraduate Research Symposium.
DCAC members are also spearheading a new advising initiative to help guide graduate students as they make important career decisions.
Current DCAC Members
- Frank Akers - Techulon, ret.
- Elizabeth (Beth) Calvey - USDA, ret.
- David Hobart - University of Lynchburg
- Mitchell Koppelman - Mineral Solutions & Strategy, ret.
- Colleen Kraft - Pediatrics, University of Southern California
- Jennifer Lalli - Nanosonic
- Karen McLean - Fairfax County Public School, ret.
- Ann Norris - Circ
- Tom Picarello - Synthonix
- Nicholas Snow - Seton Hall University
- William Starnes - William and Mary, ret.
- Joseph Thrasher - Clemson University
- Sharlene Williams - Dupont
DCAC Charter Members
- Bill Starnes
- Beth Calvey
- Jerry Bass
- Mitch Koppelmann
- Frank Akers
- Dean Webster
- Mike Smith
- Joe Zoeller
- Rob Shenton