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Cascades Seminar Series

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The Cascades seminar series is a new initiative that aims to foster collaboration and strengthen relationships with colleagues at primarily undergraduate institutions (PUIs) in our region. The monthly seminars provide a platform for PUI researchers to showcase their research efforts, including those involving students who are now Virginia Tech graduate students.

Additionally, the series aims to explore opportunities for collaborations between Virginia Tech and PUI institutions. Furthermore, the seminars offer graduate students opportunities to interact with faculty at PUIs, further enriching their educational experiences.

Upcoming Seminars

September 9    

Jay Foley

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

2:30 PM - Hahn Hall North 402

Title: "Looking Out For The Tiniest Lights: Modifying Chemistry By Confining Light To Small Volumes"

Host: Edward Valeev

September 16

Mike Reddish

Appalachian State University

2:30 PM - Hahn Hall North 402

Title: "Novel Relationships with Human Cytochrome P450 27A1"                                            

Host:  Emily Mevers