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In the event of a medical emergency, fire, or hazardous chemical spill: DIAL 911

Non-emergency phone numbers

  • Virginia Tech Police Non-emergency line: 540-231-6411
  • Poison: 1-800-222-1222 (Blue Ridge Poison Center)
  • Non-Emergency Medical Care (Schiffert Health Center)
  • Virginia Tech Environmental Health and Safety: 540-231-3600
  • Department of Chemistry Main Office: 540-231-5391
  • Kenny Smith, Facilities Manager: 540-231-6111

Procedure for Building System Failure

  1. In the event a building system fails and needs immediate attention when the Main Office is closed, call the Virginia Tech Police Dispatcher at 540-231-6411. 
  2. Tell the dispatcher the nature and location of the problem. 
  3. After you have called the campus police dispatcher, leave a message for Kenny Smith at 540-231-6111 or by email at


Safety Procedures

Emergency Action Plans


Drew Murphy

Drew Murphy
Safety Coordinator

Hahn Hall North 304