James Tanko

317 Davidson Hall
Research Interests
Kinetics and mechanism, electron transfer reactions, the structure and chemistry of free radicals and radical ions, radical ion rearrangements, oxygen-centered radicals.
- Insight into Hydrogen Abstractions by Nitrate Radical: Structural, Solvent Effects, and Evidence for a Polar Transition State, Paradzinsky, M.; Troya, D.; Tanko, J. M. J. Phys. Chem. A 2021, 125, 5471 - 5480. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpca.1c01726.
- "Interplay between structure and mechanism in reductive dissociative electron transfers to a,b-epoxyketones," Spencer, J. N.; Grimm, M. L.; Tanko, J. M. ChemPlusChem 2020, 85, 2387 - 2396.
- "High barrier biosourced polyester from dimethyl [2,2’-bifuran]-5,5’-dicarboxylate," Edling, H. E.; Sun, H.; Paschke, E.; Schiraldi, D. A.; Tanko, J. M.; Paradzinski, M.; Turner, S. R., Polymer 2020, 191, 122258.
- "Stereoelectronic and Resonance Effects on the Rate of Ring Opening of N-Cyclopropyl-Based Single Electron Transfer Probes," Grimm, M. L.; Suleman, N. K.; Hancock, A. N.; Spencer, J. N.; Dudding, T.; Rowshanpour, R.; Castagnoli, Jr., N. Tanko, J. M., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 2460 - 2652. https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/jacs.9b12617
- "Evidence for a Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer Mechanism in a Biomimetic System for Monoamine Oxidase B Catalysis," Nakamura, A.; Abdel Latif, M.; Deck, P. A.; Castagnoli, Jr. N.; Tanko, J. M. Chem. Eur. J., 2020, 26, 823 - 829. https://doi.org/10.1002/chem.201904634
- Chair, Gordon Research Conference on Radicals and Radical Ions in Chemistry and Biology, 2007
- Vice Chair, Gordon Research Conference on Free Radical Reactions, 2005
- Faculty Teaching Award, Department of Chemistry, Virginia Tech, May 2004
- Alan F. Clifford Faculty Service Award, Department of Chemistry, Virginia Tech, May 2004
- B.A. Chemistry, University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC), 1978
- Ph.D. Chemistry, Iowa State University, 1985
- Postdoctoral Associate, Penn State University, 1984–1986