Prof. Guoliang (Greg) Liu receives NSF CAREER Award
November 27, 2017
(Nov. 27 2017) Prof. Guoliang (Greg) Liu has been awarded a five-year NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award through the Polymers Program in the Division of Materials Research. Liu's work will focus on polymer nanocomposites containing plasmonic nanoparticles, which will enable the design of the next-generation functional composites capable of maneuvering light as desired. With tunable light adsorption and reflection, the polymer nanocomposites can find applications in solar cells and light-reflecting windows for energy-efficient buildings. This $585K CAREER award will facilitate the synthesis and characterization of both plasmonic nanoparticles and polymers. The assembly of the two materials will help researchers to better understand the polymer-nanoparticle interactions at the nanometer scale. Read more about Prof. Liu's research here.