Emily Mevers Joins the Faculty
August 13, 2020

Emily Mevers, Ph.D. has joined the faculty of the Department of Chemistry as an assistant professor of organic chemistry.
Emily earned her bachelor’s degree in chemistry from the University of South Florida where she identified new terpenes from nudibranchs with Bill Baker. She went on to obtain her Ph.D. at the University of California, San Diego, studying toxic secondary metabolites produced by filamentous cyanobacteria with Bill Gerwick. After receiving her doctorate in 2014, she joined Jon Clardy’s lab at Harvard Medical School as a postdoctoral research fellow to work on identifying the ecological role of isolated small molecules.
At Virginia Tech, she is continuing the work to understand the ecological role of small molecules produced by microbes in complex symbioses and leveraging this information for drug development.
In her free time, Emily enjoys spending time outside, either biking, hiking, kayaking, or scuba diving, and volunteering in the community.
Welcome to the department, Emily!