Timothy Long

Research Interests
The Long group investigates structure-property-morphology-processing relationships of polymers, ranging from high performance thermoplastics and thermosets to biologically-derived/inspired macromolecules. In particular, the Long group focuses on the effect of noncovalent interactions on the resulting polymer properties, including hydrogen bonding and ionic aggregation. The design, performance, and societal implication of novel polymeric materials direct our research platform which focuses on the following impactful technologies: (1) new materials for advanced manufacturing, (2) bio-inspired thermoplastics, (3) adhesive technology, and (4) charged polymers for actuators. Polymers featuring tailored monomer sequences and designs afford microphase separated structures and enhance the performance of adhesives and 3D printing technology. The use of biologically derived monomers such as urea afford bio-degradable thermoplastics which release significant levels of ammonia. Alternatively, nucleobase-containing polymers afford sequence-controlled adhesives and microphase separated morphologies. 3D printing techniques enables controlled polymer placement, unlocking architectures and constructs never engineered before. Taking advantage of these techniques allows for the unprecedented processing of polyimides or development of time-controlled dissolvable poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)-based constructs. Lastly, structure-property relationship development of high-performance polymers such as polyesters, polysulfones, and polyimides offers opportunities to enhance processing, barrier, stability, and mechanical properties.
1. Long, T.E., Reaction: Benign by Design Demands Innovation. Chem 2017, 2(1), 7-8. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S245192941630242X
2. Nelson, A.; Pekkanen, A.; Forsythe, N.; Herlihy, J.; Zhang, M.; Long, T., Synthesis of Water Soluble Imidazolium Polyesters as Potential Non-viral Gene Delivery Vehicles. Biomacromolecules 2016, In-Press. http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.biomac.6b01316
3. Zhang, K.; Talley, S. J.; Yu, Y. P.; Moore, R. B.; Murayama, M.; Long, T. E., Influence of nucleobase stoichiometry on the self-assembly of ABC triblock copolymers. Chemical Communications 2016, 52(48), 7564-7567. http://pubs.rsc.org/is/content/articlehtml/2016/cc/c6cc03502g
4. Zhang, K.; Nelson, A. M.; Talley, S. J.; Chen, M.; Margaretta, E.; Hudson, A. G.; Moore, R. B.; Long, T. E., Non-isocyanate poly(amide-hydroxyurethane)s from sustainable resources. Green Chemistry 2016, 18, 4667-4681. http://pubs.rsc.org/is/content/articlehtml/2016/gc/c6gc01096b
5. Jangu, C.; Schultz, A. R.; Wall, C. E.; Esker, A. R.; Long, T. E., Diphenylphosphino Styrene-Containing Homopolymers: Influence of Alkylation and Mobile Anions on Physical Properties. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 2016, 37, 1212-1217. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/marc.201600037/full
- Named an AAAS Fellow, 2016
- Virginia Outstanding Scientist of the Year, 2015
- Robert L. Patrick Fellowship Award, Adhesion Society, 2014
- Regional Chair, IUPAC World Polymer Congress, MACRO 2012 at Virginia Tech, June 2012
- Inducted into the ACS Polymer Division Fellows program, 2012
- Mark Scholar Award, 2012
- Pressure Sensitive tape Council, Carl Dahlquist Award, 2012
- PMSE Cooperative Research Award, 2011
- Virginia Tech Alumni Award for Research Excellence for 2010
- American Chemical Society Fellow, 2009
- Elected Chair, Polymers Gordon Research Conference (GRC), summer 2009
- Invited Wake Forest University, Affiliated Professor of the WFIRM Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine (2008)
- Chair-elect, 2012 Polycondensation Conference (2008)
- Symposium Co-chair, 2012 IUPAC World Polymer Congress (2008)
- IRTF Interdisciplinary Research Team Fellowship Award, with Profs. Duncan and Thatcher
- Collano Innovation Award, Lucerne, Switzerland - September 2006
- Chair-elect, 2009 Polymers (East) Gordon Research Conference (2005)
- Chair, ACS Division of Polymer Chemistry (2005)
- Faculty Research Award, Department of Chemistry (May 2003)
- Top Oral Presentation, ASI USER FORUM, June 2002 ($2000 award)
- ACS, Division of Polymer Chemistry, Chair-elect, 2002-2005
- IBM Faculty Award, 2002
- 3M Company Faculty Award, 2000-2001
- B.S. Chemistry, St. Bonaventure University, 1983
- Ph.D. Chemistry, Virginia Tech 1987
- Director, Macromolecules Innovation Institute, 2014–present
- Associate Dean for Research and International Outreach, VT College of Science, 2011–2014
- Associate Director of Interdisciplinary Research and Education, Fralin Life Sciences Institute, Virginia Tech, 2009
- Principal Research Chemist, Eastman Chemical Company, Kingsport, TN, 1993
- Advanced Technical Program Researcher (ATP, sponsored by NIST), 1991
- Senior Research Scientist, Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, NY, 1990
- Advanced Research Scientist, Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, NY, 1987